Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kerry Patton defends Joseph Teti, a man of Stolen Valor

Kerry Patton defends Joseph Teti, a man of Stolen Valor
As The Discovery Channel Promotes Teti's lies
 **Article Updated 5/5/15**

***As of 5-5-15 Kerry Patton has deleted both Articles that are in their full-length below on this page. However, we have both articles and Screenshots of ALL Comments made on both articles.  For shame, Kerry Patton, what defamation you wrote against Honorable men to defend a Liar and Fraud. And shame on Dale Comstock for allowing his name to be used like a      DD-214 to validate Teti's lies, when Comstock himself has his DD-214 posted.  Comstock's name has been used by Teti's sycophants as testament to Teti's Military Claims & Comstock has permitted it.  A sad day when a military man stands up for LIES.  The timing of the deletion of Patton's two articles is very suspect as there were fake profiles that spewed hatred and vulgarities along with Patton's defaming articles. 

Teti FAILED Combat Dive in 1983


Why Can't Teti post his?

     Joseph Nicholas Teti was hired to replace Dave Canterbury, on the Discovery's Dual Survival, who had been found to have embellished his military record slightly.  However, it has been discovered and made public that Joseph Teti's claims of being a Combat Veteran are untrue as dates pertaining to his contracting work are fused with his military service that included no COMBAT TIME.  He was hired for his 'Military Badass Claims' as a Video was put out by Discovery and Cody Lundin to introduce 'the new guy' to Dual Survival fans. 

DISCOVERY CHANNEL and JOSEPH TETI have to be held accountable for the LIES BEING CONCEALED. Also, 3 men DIED during the filming of JOSEPH TETI'S show for THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL. There is more than just STOLEN VALOR to be outed here. A whole lot more than a man who lied to get where he is, not to mention Cody Lundin being ousted from Dual Survival and made to look like he didn't know what he was doing, when Joseph Teti can't start a fire or build a shelter on a SURVIVAL SHOW vs Lundin's 20 years of survival experience.   

Seems no one Vetted this guy even after the Dave debacle on Dual Survival. Below-Email that says they felt no need to Vet Teti as Captain Hawke passed on Teti's resume as a favor to Teti, a 'trusted' SF Brother (teti lied to Captain Hawke about being a Marine in Lebanon and Captain Hawke took him at his word as any SF Brother would do).

Then we have Paul Schur of Discovery saying the following about Teti's survival Bona Fides...Really, like S.E.R.E which further below we discovery Teti confesses to NEVER have graduated from S.E.R.E.....hmmmmm?

And Dave was guilty of far less than Joe Teti. Dave was actually able to survive in the wilderness too. Cody Lundin even said that they did not Vet Joe.  So how exactly does a man build a career on a false foundation? Very carefully and very adeptly when he is a practiced liar. And now Discovery is neck deep in lies and in the deaths of the 3 men in that helo crash. And yes they are responsible. If they would have Vetted Teti as they should have, the crash never would have happened as Teti would never have gotten a show based on SF Operations. They believed Teti’s word that he was who he said he was and they allowed him the show where 3 men died. It is a hot mess. And in the end, it is all about money, profits, Sponsors. So, Joe teti gets away with his lies as 3 men are now dead and their families devastated for life. But that’s what a man like Teti does. He destroys lives as he moves along and benefits from the loss of others.  

And NOW Teti is suing the ENTIRE Special Forces Association (over 3000 retired Honorable SF men), Captain Hawke, a retired four time Green Beret & Officer, Scott Hughes, a retired Marine, and Monique Marie, civilian and author. Instead of proving his military claims, Teti sued the very men who actually did what he never did and that is fought for their country in uniform. Teti is punishing the Honorable men who sacrificed for their country in order to protect his lies and for financial gain.

***Who is Teti's Attorney, David Redding????

Teti's attorney, David Redding (Co-founder of F3-Fitness, Fellowship & Faith in Charlotte- was himself a SF Officer who never retired but got out of the military. Redding waited approx. 4 months into the lawsuit against the Special Forces Association before he thought it important enough to ask to see teti's official records. How does one file a lawsuit for a man who is being called out by his SF Brothers as a liar and NOT be motivated to VET teti himself before filing the SLAPP lawsuit which is designed to drain the defendants financially and to Silence them?  

F3, Redding? That is quite unChristian-like of you to do to Retired and Honorable Special Forces men who Sacrificed for their Country.....WOW!!!!!    

**Below is the link to the Youtube video, where it is stated that Joseph Teti has 20+ years as a Combat Veteran where he got his men through tough battles of dodging bullets. Teti, also, speaks of SERE--Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) did Teti even complete that course that he insinuates in the video that all SF men attend?  In the Answers to the Lawsuit, Teti admits he NEVER graduated S.E.R.E and in the video, he even misquotes what S.E.R.E is..................

Joseph Teti's Claims are clear in an article excerpt and his Bio on both FB and his Website; both can be read below:

Why we support the VETERANS who are calling for Joseph Teti to prove his Combat Service..........
Our world is upside down. The good are persecuted and the bad are praised and raised upon pedestals. We have become backwards in our thinking and have embraced liars and cheats as our mascots, voices, and heroes. We have become so lost as a society that we are greedy for immediate yet unfulfilling satisfaction instead of seeking that which is solid and real.
When TV Networks embrace liars and cheats and put them before our children as role models, it is dangerous and creates more room for other dishonorable men and women to sell themselves as something they are not in order to mislead for their own profit and gain....We support Mykel Hawke & the Special Forces Association in this endeavor to show the world proof of Joseph Teti and his outright lies which have been proven time and time again.....Read the Following to better understand the fight and get behind those with honor.....God Bless our brave men and women who walk with honor...we respect you and stand with you...

**Following are two Facebook pages where we have gathered to push for the TRUTH about Joseph Teti's Combat Veteran Status and we support Captain Mykel Hawke, who has 'NEVER QUIT' and in the doing has been ridiculed and attacked verbally, and he and his family threatened with bodily harm:
Discovery Channel Promotes Joseph Teti, a man of Stolen Valor:
Joseph Teti Dual Survival: Unofficial: 


Joseph Teti claims he is a “combat veteran of both [Operation Iraqi Freedom] and [Operation Enduring Freedom]in Afghanistan.” & Haiti. He says this in all Bios and all in one sentence and never differentiating between Military Vet and Contractor, he simply says he is a Combat Vet of all three. Haiti was NEVER a combat mission, it was humanitarian. In the lawsuit answers, Teti says he does not know for sure if Haiti was a Combat mission, though he has touted himself to be a Combat Vet of Haiti. Convenient for a SF man to NOT know for sure if he was in combat or not...  

Teti says he never claimed to serve in Iraq or Afghanistan while in uniform.
“Never have I said that I served in the military in Iraq or Afghanistan,” he tells Military Times. “I want to clear the record right now. I was in a government counterterrorism unit doing direct action missions right alongside Tier 1 assets.”

Co-Star of Discovery's show Dual Survival
Veteran of both military and government special operations units And
Joseph Teti is a veteran of both US military and US government special operations units. He is a former Force Recon Marine, Army Special Forces “Green Beret”, and a former operator in a highly classified government counter-terrorist unit.
He is a combat veteran of both OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) in Iraq, and OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) in Afghanistan. He planned and conducted a broad range of special operations missions covering the entire operational continuum. These missions gave the President of the United States an option when overt military and / or diplomatic actions were not viable or politically feasible. Operations of this nature required rapid response with surgical application of a wide variety of unique skills, while maintaining the lowest possible profile of U.S. involvement. He participated in numerous classified direct action missions with several Tier 1 SMU’s (Special Mission Units).

 Army Times Article: Very damning info in this one.........
Quotes from Article:
"I believe Joe is a sociopath [who] could be dangerous to those he believes have injured him," writes Sgt. 1st Class Daniel McClain, Teti's former team sergeant, in a letter to the Special Forces Association that is part of a formal response in an ongoing lawsuit.
"I knew he would always be a problem," writes Teti's former executive officer, Lt. Col. William Sharp, in another letter, part of the SFA's 50-page rebuttal to the lawsuit filed by Teti late last year.
Sharp, now with U.S. Special Operations Command, writes that he was preparing paperwork to bar Teti from reenlisting, revoke his security clearance and strip him of his Special Forces tab, before Teti left the unit on his own.
"Teti is far below Special Forces standards, he is an embarrassment to Special Forces and Special Operations," writes Sharp, listing a litany of allegations.

Link to Article;     

Joseph Teti Claims to be a Combat Diver W9, though the SPECIAL WARFARE CENTER says Teti FAILED Combat Dive in 1983 ...Teti answers in the Lawsuit that he is Combat Dive qualified.....

Quote from Army Times Article......

On his official website, Teti claims he qualified as a combat scuba diver and a HALO freefall parachutist, coveted qualifications even among the military's most elite troops.
In the SFA's Feb. 10 rebuttal to his lawsuit, the association flatly states that Teti "is not and has never been HALO or SCUBA qualified."
The rebuttal includes a statement from the U.S. Army Special Warfare Center and School that Teti was, in fact, relieved from the Combat Diver course in 1983. Although he did apparently graduate from a Navy dive school, the Special Warfare Center states that the school is not considered a combat diver course.
The Special Warfare Center message goes on to say Teti was later kicked out of a diving supervisor course for cheating on a test.
It's a familiar pattern, former teammates attest in their statements. McClain writes that Teti manipulated training scenarios and even boasted of committing arson.

Teti FAILED Combat Diver Course in 1983

Teti FAILED Combat Diver Supervisor School for Honor Code Violation in 1993


Some Websites featuring Joseph Teti and his Stolen Valor....just type in Website name plus Joseph Teti and they will show you all info gathered on Joseph Teti that proves he is not a Combat Vet as he portrays himself to be.

1. Military Phonies Joseph Teti:

2. This Ain't Hell Joseph Teti:

3. The Fake Warrior Project Facebook:

4. --Sean Linnane: Confusion in the Temple Joseph Teti:


**Now, we introduce Kerry Patton, an Author of two military-based novels and a Reporter and Terro Analyst.  He decided, for whatever reason, to write an article on Joseph Teti that smacks with insult if you are military or better yet a SF Veteran.  

The following is Kerry Patton's first Article: 'Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick'  Yes, even the title is insulting and begs for questions to be answered.  Let's proceed to the Article: 

Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick

Editor’s Note: Some will read this and immediately assume I am making some type of attempt to re-write another “Why so Many….Make Me Sick” because of my previous “Why so Many Men in America Make Me Sick.” They are wrong. Others will simply read the headline and assume I am some type of veteran basher–and that would be hysterical! But seriously, a small portion of veterans piss me off. So let me explain.
I know it has become some sacrilegious taboo to ever speak negatively toward veterans. I find that preposterous. Just because someone is a veteran does not mean they are above anyone else. Here is a great example of one such veteran that makes me sick.
Jesse the Asshole Ventura
Jesse Ventura—The former professional wrestling, Navy SEAL, outlaw motorcycle gang member is a complete douche. How any veteran can sue (Chris Kyle) a brother-in-arm after that brother is dead is beyond me. But that is exactly what the conspiracy freak is doing.  I have written about him in the past and I stand my ground. He makes me want to vomit.
Then there are those in the veteran community who simply believe no veteran could ever become accomplished once they leave the service. These veterans do everything and anything to simply target and attack their brothers-in-arms through defamation campaigns. God forbid a veteran tries to excel once they leave the service. You know who some of the biggest “haters” are against such persons? You guessed it…veterans.
Joe Teti, the star in the Discovery Channel’s television show Dual Survivor, was recently identified as some type of fraud. I will not put down the website trying to declare Joe as some “Stolen Valor” criminal as that could give them web traffic they simply do not deserve.  So, instead I
Joe Teti, don't allow others to attempt to defame his character...A real American who has done a lot for this country! Complete opposite of Jesse Ventura
Joe Teti, don’t allow others to attempt to defame his character…A real American who has done a lot for this country! Complete opposite of Jesse Ventura
hyperlinked a great post by This Ain’t Hell who completely debunks those trying to defame Joe.
My friend Dale Comstock, Ret. Delta Force and author ofAmerican Badass, knows Joe well due to their close working relationship with Discovery Channel and through some work they did together in a combat environment.  Let me be first to say that I trust Dale. If he vouches for someone, well, that’s more than good enough for me. Without divulging our conversation, let’s just say that Dale 100% vouches for Joe Teti and maintains the utmost respect for the guy.
Before I close this out, and just to get something else off my chest pertaining a small group of veterans, I am hearing a lot of “sad stories” out there. One of the things I am hearing about is actually nothing new– Spouses having affairs with other military members or veterans.
Listen guys, I don’t care how much a married woman is coming on to you. Sleeping with a married woman is wrong. Sleeping with the spouse of the one guy who may actually save your ass in combat is even more reprehensible. The pleasure will only last a very short while anyway yet the guilt will eventually come back to haunt you and will likely stick with you for a very long time. Don’t be a dog.
From suing fellow veterans to convoluting others backgrounds to false accusations of stolen valor to simply fulfilling immoral acts toward your brother’s most prized possessions…A select few veterans are doing everything in their power to screw with their fellow brothers-in-arms and such persons families. It happens all the time and its becoming more frequent.
I know… some will claim I am making veterans out to look like a bunch of immoral assholes. No. I am simply calling a spade a spade by writing about it. I am not making such persons out to look like anything. They are doing all that work themselves. And let’s be very real, veterans are my brothers and sisters and I love them as such. Not all veterans are immoral character destroying jackasses. But some are out there and I simply just don’t care for them.
So if you think I do not support veterans due to this writing or the headline, you apparently missed the point. I support veterans. But there are handfuls out there that I support about as much as I support supplying Syrians with weapon systems– and that’s not a lot at all. How any group such as veterans are willing to play the dog eats dog game is beyond me and yet unfortunately it happens all the time.
Now, when Kerry Patton was put on the spot about Joseph Teti after this article Kerry wrote the following on the blog for his Article:

Folks, just so you all know, I do not know Teti….I did speak to Dale Comstock as I had written…I also, later spoke to an SF member from 19th Group who knows Joe personally….I believe what the real issue here is, is about character. To my understanding, Joe is not looked at well from many within the SOF world–especially those who worked with him in SF. I heard horror stories about the guy…BUT, again, that is hearsay…hearsay from someone I actually trust. And I will not write what I was informed. With that, I also know Joe did serve in Afghanistan as a contractor with OGA. I actually know the province he worked, dates, the actual program, etc. Call him a contractor, mercenary, whatever….He was overseas in a war-zone. I am not hear to split hairs on terminology and debate whether contractors can or cannot consider themselves combat veterans. As I say that though, I ask whether it is appropriate to consider all the revolutionists as veterans…combat veterans of our Revolutionary War…who were actually contracted by the Continental Army? So…is Joe a dirt-bag? Possibly and more than likely yes based off what I have been told. Again, I do not know the guy so I will not judge…But did he actually serve in a combat environment? Yes as well…
So, Kerry admits to Joseph Teti being a less than honorable man and has a very sketchy background, and even a dirt-bag, according to Kerry's very reliable source who knew Joseph Teti.
But then, supporters of Captain Mykel Hawke and Mykel Hawke himself went to Kerry Patton's blog and they were attacked by Joseph Teti's supporters for posting proof of Teti's lies.  Those who want to see Joseph Teti come clean are constantly harassed.  For whatever reason, Joseph Teti's fans posted Kerry Patton's Article everywhere, even on the Dual Survival page and on Captain Hawke's fan pages.  When Captain Hawke and his supporters spoke out, Kerry Patton wrote a followup article that was filled with insults, derogatory remarks, defaming remarks, and downright lies that had been mimicked by Joseph Teti himself, SCREEN SHOTS taken and kept of said remarks.
The following is the second Article written by Kerry Patton.  This time his loyalty and opinion clear, as his unbiased reporting skills go out the window:

Stolen Valor PSYOPS: Mykel Hawke vs Joe Teti

Apparently Mykel Hawke and a few others have a thing for Joe Teti. It’s been a two year ongoing feud. I never knew about this ordeal until recently and that is likely because I really never cared much about either man considering I don’t know one or the other. But, I got pulled into the mess nonetheless.
More than a year ago, I wrote a piece explaining “Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick.” Joe Teti was mentioned in that piece—neither in the negative nor positive but very neutrally. Needless to say, for well into the past two weeks, Mykel Hawke and a few of his close associates/fans decided to take issue with what I had written.
Full disclosure here and it is the first time I ever disclosed this to the public:
I do have circumstantial evidence that Joe Teti 1. Served in the US Marine Corps then served in US Army. 2. I have solid evidence proving he had an association with MARSOC and Army Special Forces. 3. I also have evidence he worked as a contractor for a unique entity within our Intelligence Community (OGA). And 4. He has no felony record of any sort which includes no felony of theft of government property or NSF checks (bounced checks in states that deem such as felonies).
With the evidence I have, I can claim with certainty, Joe Teti is not a case of Stolen Valor considering I have failed to see, to date, any claims of military medals per the law as written: Pub.L. 113–12; H.R. 258 .
(And no, I will not release such material to the public merely because of the personal details within such documentation which includes Teti’s Social Security number and date of birth.)
Now, some would like to split hairs claiming Joe Teti’s claims about serving as a combat veteran of the Iraq and Afghan Wars to be illegitimate because he was a contractor and not serving as a US military service member. If that is the case, then please, for all those anti-contractor folks out there, go to our national cemeteries and spit on the contractors buried in such whom had served alongside our Continental Army during the Revolutionary War…I dare you.
Better yet, go spit on the grave of Tyrone Woods or Glen Doherty who died in the Benghazi attack. They were no longer US Navy SEALS but serving our nation as contractors in a similar capacity Teti once served within OGA.
How important are contractors to the United States national security apparatus and why should NO ONE ever look down upon such persons? Well, don’t listen to me. Read this report from the CATO Institute. The Founding Contractors
I was never a Joe Teti follower. Let that be very clear. Again, I never met the man and do not know him at all just like I do not know Mykel Hawke. I am a blogger though who, for two weeks, got saturated with comments and hateful diatribes per the blog post hyperlinked above  titled “Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick.”.
A couple of things need to be pointed out here pertaining the comments I have received:
  1. Several users are the same individual. I know this because they are using the same IP address. These comments are coming from those who support Mykel Hawke and his claims.
  2. When someone is accused of a wrong doing, it is up to the accuser to provide circumstantial evidence of the wrong doing. “Innocent until proven guilty” comes to mind. So far, Hawke and his followers have not done such however they are spewing a ton of hearsay and rumor (for 2 years now).
  3. When a person accuses another of a wrongful death, you stoop really low…especially when not one charge of manslaughter of any degree has been brought forth into the justice system. Such claims were made about Teti and the incredibly horrific death of Michael Donatelli. My hat is tipped to the Donatelli family for having to continuously relive that tragic day all because Mykel Hawke continues with his claims.
  4. Being provided an opportunity to have a one on one interview via email and or telephonically, and declining same or refusing to take up such an opportunity, shows me you really are looking to just defame another person’s character.
  5. Spreading absolute inaccuracies about another individual merely to help support your claims is immoral, unprofessional, and inappropriate. (Of note, I am not writing any inaccuracies here but rather revealing what has been going on, on my own personal blog, and my findings)
All of these things have happened recently and all these things have happened from Mykel Hawke and his closest accomplices siding on his behalf.
I have said it once, and I will say it repeatedly. I do not know Joe Teti. For all I know the guy could actually be a true dirtbag. That does not mean however he is a case of Stolen Valor. It does not mean he is a felonious criminal of any sort. It does not mean he was responsible for anyone’s death. It really means nothing…It’s just a matter of opinion.
I do not know the guy hence I have no opinion toward the man.
Now, some will read this and claim I am no better than Mykel Hawke for stating what I have already. I agree, I am no better. However, rest assured; I have absolutely no plans to write on this topic again. What is written here is it, final, end of discussion from me. Anyone else who would like to endure this ongoing austere feud, I obviously cannot stop you.
But, let me explain why I am actually writing this.
Under normal circumstances, I would not write this type of post. I am writing it because Mykel Hawke and his team of fans/followers/associates crossed some lines with me. No one crossed any line that brought emotional anger to my psyche nor did anyone personally attack me (well, some did but I am pretty easy going, have some thick skin, and don’t believe it was really all that malicious).
The lines crossed however are lines of concern.
I am deeply concerned for Mykel Hawke. The guy is a retired Army Special Forces member who has done a lot in his career. He is the type of guy our children should look up to. Unfortunately, per his recent comments along with others close to him, questions should surface about Mykel Hawke and his dignity let alone his mental health. His actions could easily be construed as psychopathic in nature and potentially very narcissistic.
I am concerned for his psyche.
Who in their right mind goes on a frontal assault for two consecutive years in an attempt to smear another person? Who in their right mind spreads unsubstantiated rumors about another time and again as if it has become a new mission in their life? Who in their right mind accuses a man who was not the pilot of a helicopter to be responsible for the death of its crew and passengers? Who in their right mind time and again goes against the wishes of the families of our deceased?
Yes, I am more concerned for Mykel Hawke than I am upset with him. I am concerned for his mental health. I am not a psychologist but any sane person can see there are issues here that go far beyond Joe Teti—I believe they are potential psychological issues that need professional intervention.
If Myekl Hawke truly did engage in eighty (80) enemy engagements (which is difficult to fathom for any combat veteran considering the number is incredibly high), defined as “people shooting at him,” I could easily see how he could more than likely suffer from some form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder which could be a factor in this ordeal. (The aforementioned statement was used due to the discovery founded on Mykel Hawkee’s IMDB page.)
Copy of Joseph Teti  Dual Survival j_thumb[1]With that said, I would also like to address Joe Teti. Imagine what it must be like getting constantly bombarded with information about one’s life yet deep down know everything said is an unsubstantiated claim? Imagine having to deal with this chaos every single day? Imagine what it feels like trying to bring about closure to this mess as seen in the image to the left but be faced with more diatribes of hate? What type of toll does that play on one’s psyche?
Yes, I am concerned for Joe Teti’s psyche having to deal with this mess.
How far are we as humans willing to go to attack another individual? How far are we combat veterans (be it military uniform wearing veterans or their contractual brethren) willing to go to trump another brother-in-arms? We are better than this!
What is taking place here is absolute madness. I use that term with all seriousness related to psychological concerns.
I pray for Mykel Hawke and I pray for Joe Teti. They are both veterans who have done some pretty admirable things while serving this great nation—be it while wearing a military uniform or working as a contractor doesn’t matter to me.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” 2 timothy 3:16
I hope we can all take the words of Timothy and remember such, for it is righteousness that will lead our paths to heaven.
Captain Mykel Hawke's answer to the horrid, one-sided article that has absolutely no fact to it:

Mykel Hawke Says:

Really, Kerry? This is how you roll? I showed you all the facts and gave you all the questions to find the answers for as a journalist and all you can do is write an opinion piece, questioning my position and backing Teti? Let me help you and spell it out-
1) Teti did lie and claim to be a combat force recon marine.
2) Teti did lie and claim to be a combat green beret.
3) Teti did lie and say he was CIA, not a contractor.
4) Teti did lie and say he worked for them 5 yrs, when he was fired at 2 yrs.
5) Teti did lie and say he had 20 years in when it was closer to 10, part time.
6) Teti did lie about his rank and many other schools, too.


Those my man, are the real facts.
I stood against Teti before that show for his lack of integrity.
He chose to attack me for that stance and everything else you see
is purely a result of Teti’s incessant attacks on me and my family.

You have no idea what you are defending and you choose to attack me?
Shame on you and your appalling claims at being a professional journalist.
There is no fact in your statements, you have not seen his records,
you are going on hear-say and have done ZERO fact checking on these claims.

I addressed all your other statements, too.
He did get kicked out of Haiti for check fraud.
He did get kicked out of 2 SF units for theft and swindling.
He did get caught trying to steal a weapon in the 3rd unit.
They did try to kick him out of SF.

You have that proof, and yet you back him as legit?
Passing marines, green beret and oga contract courses
does not make one a warrior, conduct does.
Working in a war zone does not make one a hero,
conduct does. So, why did they fire him?

He quit Special Forces at time of war and tried to hide from it and profit off it.
That is proven by 2 newspaper articles interviewing him.
He took tax payer money to become a marine and green beret
and then quit on all of us when we needed him
You think 2 yrs as an OGA contractor from 2004-2006
makes it right for him to lie?
You share his shame.
Own it.
Mykel Hawke sends

And there was never an answer by Kerry Patton to Captain Hawke's rebuttal
Only more insulting character attacks and defaming remarks from Joseph Teti's supporters. 

Kevin Scott served at the same time and says why he doesn't believe Teti's claims....
Kevin Scott says:
You dont win any thing Joe Why not explain your Beirut claim? I was there and know many Marines who were also there . Funny thing is the Forece recon guys who were there said you never were . Fact is you were attending schools most of that year. This a fact backed up by your record! you cant be in 2 places at once .Just and FYI for all you die hard Joe fans dd-214 and the records of your military training are not top secret There avabile thru a FOIA request .


Jay Phillips Knew Joseph Teti and was his roommate.  He knew him well.  Jay's account of Joseph Teti in answer to Kerry Patton's article: 
Jay Says:
July 28, 2014
Kerry, I am a SF qualified NCO with 17 years service who served with and knew Joe Teti personally. I also know SF CPT posting here. I back what he’s been saying concerning Teti.
Jay Phillips says:
Joe made many enemies within the 20th Special Forces Group similar to what I hear about his time with the 19th Group. I know there have been many different people and organizations researching his claims for validity. I’m not even saying that all he says about himself is false. However, there seems to be some truth mixed with a lot of fiction or at least embellishment. Mine is but a small piece of the puzzle and it mostly concerns his character many years ago. However, it helps to support the research done by Mykel Hawke in this regard. It is important that our fallen brothers and those still serving are given the respect and appreciation they deserve. It is important that they are not dishonored by those willing to perpetuate false claims for personal gain. It is worth the effort that their honor and the truth should be protected.
Jay Phillips says:·
Our teams deployed to different locations in Haiti. While there, rumors were circulated that there had been trouble on Joe’s team. It was rumored that there were people, possibly teammates of Joes, who were angry about his habit of writing bad checks. They most likely were also owed money. I did not know exactly who but I heard there were people interested in notifying the authorities and having Joe arrested when he returned to the States. Later, I heard that Joe got sent back to the States early. I cannot confirm the reason why. Once my mission was completed, my team also returned. I did not see or hear from Joe until approximately a week after returning. He happened to be sitting in his car in the parking lot of the Auburn Mall as I was about to enter. He signaled for me to come and speak with him. I sat in his car. He asked if I had anything to do with his being arrested once he returned. I told him that I had nothing to do with it but that I had heard that it might happen. He then told me that I had always been nice and helpful to him and that he believed me. I then got out of his car, he drove off, I went into the Mall, and I never saw or heard from him again. I later heard that he left for California.
Jay Phillips says:
Just prior to our Federal activation and subsequent deployment to Haiti for 4 months, I had to withdraw from the classes I was taking for that quarter at Auburn University. I was also allowed to terminate my lease and move out of my apartment. Joe also moved out at this time but only because he had to. I’m not sure where he went leading up to our deployment. He possibly moved back into the armory. It was around this time that guys within the unit began speaking of a suspicion that Joe had taken some night vision goggles (NVG’s) and other sensitive equipment when they came up missing. However, to my knowledge, nothing was ever proven in this regard and I’m not even sure if there was ever an official investigation. Therefore, I personally cannot make that accusation. However, Mykel Hawke has provided possible confirmation of these types of items in Joe Teti’s possession after his departure from the 20th Special Forces Group in Alabama.
Jay Phillips says:
I really considered Joe a brother-in-arms. Army Special Forces (Green Berets) are a tight-knit community. We look out for one another. Trust is crucial especially at the team level. I did everything with Joe. What was mine was his. We spent time together, partied together, and trained hard together on a regular basis. I even personally recommended him to a close friend of my family, the owner of Franklin Tire & Auto in Auburn, when he had engine trouble with his car. It turned out to be a major repair. Joe wrote Mr. Franklin a bad check totaling approximately $1,100.00. To my knowledge, Joe never made any attempt to make it right with Mr. Franklin. I also began seeing that Joe was regularly writing bad checks all over town. I’m talking about a lot of bad checks angering many people. It seemed like every check he wrote anyone was bad. It became a running joke. I personally apologized to Mr. Franklin for the recommendation and confronted Joe afterwards at the armory. Our relationship took a turn for the worse after that episode as well as when he wrote a couple bad checks to me for rent. I do not recall ever actually receiving money from Joe. I learned from others in my unit that they had experienced much of the same. It was around that time that I began disassociating myself with Joe to protect my reputation.
Jay Phillips says:
If I remember correctly, Joe served on the SCUBA Team (ODA 2011). Joe had been living with another friend in the unit until he was asked to leave due to failure to pay rent and writing bad checks. I heard, after that happened, that he got in trouble for periodically living out of the armory. He then showed up at my apartment. In addition to my military duties, I also attended classes as a full time student at Auburn University and was working on my bachelor’s degree. Joe told me that he was leaving soon to attend the Delta Selection Course. He asked if he could store his equipment at my apartment and if I’d watch it while he was gone. I told him that I would. If I remember correctly, Joe was only gone for about a week, maybe two, before he showed back up. He didn’t say exactly what happened. I assumed that he just quickly failed out. I thought it strange, however, that he was only gone for such a short period of time. I wondered if that was really where he went. Joe then asked if he could stay at my place for a week or two until he could find somewhere else. He asked if he could sleep on my couch since mine was only a one bedroom apartment. I said that he could. I didn’t ask for rent because I was just helping out a brother. However, weeks turned into months and I discussed more permanent options with him. He assured me that he would start paying rent once he was better settled in his financial situation. That never happened but I allowed this to go on for quite some time.
Jay Phillips says:
I completed Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS) in 1989 and was selected to attend the Special Forces Qualification Course at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I graduated with a Special Forces Engineer Sergeant (18C) specialty in 1990. I have deployed many times with my team to various locations in Central and South America and Europe. However, my four Federal deployments include Operation Desert Storm in 1991, Operation Uphold Democracy (Haiti) in 1995, Operation Joint Guardian (Kosovo) in 2002, and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) in 2002 – 2003. I served as the Senior Engineer Sergeant on Special Forces Operational Detachment (ODA) 2014 (HALO Team) from 1990 – 2003 after which I was honorably discharged. I have recently reenlisted with the 20th Special Forces Group in order to complete the required 20 years of service for military retirement.
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Jay Phillips says:
I knew Joe Teti in the 1994 – 1995 timeframe. Since then, I had not heard about Joe until some of my former teammates began talking about him being the new replacement on Dual Survival. They, like me, knew and served with Joe when he was with A Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) located in Auburn, Alabama. They, like me, were very disturbed when they began hearing all the praise that was being spread about him. I, however, have somewhat more detailed knowledge of Joe since he lived with me for about a six month period. We did everything together and I slowly gained insight into his character. Just so you know better who I am, I’ll give a very brief description of my service beginning with my involvement in special operations.
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Jay Phillips says:
My letter is too big for a single post. I apologize. Just wanted to also put my 2 cents worth here: My name is John C. Phillips (Jay). I am a member of several groups comprised only of Special Forces qualified individuals. During the past couple of years within these groups, a significant amount of vetting has taken place concerning Joseph Teti which Discovery Channel has apparently failed or refused to do properly. Mykel Hawke, host of Discovery’s “Man, Woman, Wild,” The Travel Channel’s “Lost Survivors,” and also a Special Forces Officer has performed some of the most detailed vetting of this individual that I have seen to date. Mykel contacted me and asked if I would speak out concerning my experiences with Joe. That is because Joe, in recent past, has obviously been seeking further validation by association various Special Forces organizations. He has also lashed out at those in opposition to him such as Mykel Hawke. With Mykel Hawke, the attacks coming from Joe have obviously become very personal involving his family. Months ago, at Mykel’s request, I contacted the POW Network, Special Forces Association, Green Beret Foundation, and The Army Times with this information concerning Joe’s character, possible stolen valor, and Joe’s false claims at being a combat veteran. It is generally our rule to keep anything we discuss about Special Forces individuals within the group. However, every group, regardless of how elite, seems to have its bad apples and support of this individual may affect the reputation of the whole. I will not let that happen.


Our answer to Kerry Patton's second Article:

It takes a real special kind of Coward to post so many disparaging, defaming, and libelous insults and not allowing him to defend himself. (At the time, Captain Hawke was blocked from posting on Kerry's Blog).  All of the information we have posted about Joseph Teti is true with proof, of which he claims the resumes and documents were forged, which they were not. We have kept our forum open to him, where he can debate us on the facts any time he so chooses. You, Kerry Patton, have charged an Officer, a respected Officer at that, and have upped the insults further by insinuating he has ‘psychological issues that need professional intervention’.
Wow, that is a pretty serious charge from a man who doesn’t do his due diligence on researching Joseph Teti before writing an article about jealous Veterans that smacks of insult throughout. I think you got caught with your pants down on the article ‘Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick’, your EGO got banged up when the TRUTH showed up in the form of Captain Hawke and the others who support him with personal Knowledge and stories about how the allegations against Teti are true.
You are shameful. You did not do your homework and now you, Sir, are on a sinking ship. At no time did Captain Hawke attack you. He simply stated the facts. We have screen grabs of EVERY comment. Shall we post some of the comments from the women who defend Teti? They are quite sophomoric and highly insulting. We are all suppose to take the abuse, but when we post the Truth in rebuttal to your original Article you cry foul. Perhaps you should find a different line of work if you skin is so thin.

What I find interesting is Mr. Patton is an author who writes about events that happen. From what I am understanding, he makes money off stories about war, hence, men and women who sacrifice blood, sweat, tears, body parts, and even their lives. They do not make a lot of money. Many of them even lose their homes due to the poor pay. They come back broken and shattered. They come back and many commit suicide because they cannot deal with what they have seen or done while fighting. But they do fight. They fight for Freedom and for their Country. They do not have a choice to stay or go while deep in the the thick of it, watching brothers and sisters being maimed and killed. Why, it is asked, do SF men attack a man like Joseph Teti, who  Kerry Patton cannot deny was guilty of shady activity based on his communications with ‘trusted’ men. Teti has claimed something that is not his to claim. He has inflated his service to include times when it is impossible for him to have served. He has included OEF and OIF, which is impossible as he was contracting during those times. So, ask yourself, if your brother, son, daughter, father, mother, uncle, etc. would have served and died for their country and then you discover this man, who did not see one moment of Combat during service, yet claims it, would you not be offended and angry? Would you not want the truth to be known, when he is portraying himself as something he is not in order to make money? Remember all of those who cannot walk, or afford to feed their families after returning from war. Those who are maimed and broken for life. Marriages that are destroyed. Children who will never see their mothers or fathers again, or the children who watch the devastating effects of war, alcoholism, depression, anger, etc. overcome their parent.And yet a man like Joseph Teti lies and makes money off the backs of those who suffer daily. No, it is not right nor just nor acceptable. Not to the SF Community whose very core is based in HONOR. This is why they seek the TRUTH!

Kerry Patton wrote on his opinion with absolutely no fact checking.  In the doing, he distorted facts and twisted the truth to soothe his bruised ego.  He no longer works for SOFREP.  

**We will continue to push for the Truth and fight this fight alongside the Honorable Captain Mykel Hawke and ALL Veterans of ALL MILITARY BRANCHES.  We will see this to the very end. 

*One of Teti's Resumes*
Teti Claims to be Triple Canopy 2000-2002....he was still serving in the SF NG until 2001 & Triple Canopy did not exist until 2003

Teti Claims 2nd Force Recon Marine: 2nd Force Reconnaissance: Requisites: Phase 1: S.E.R.E
Phase 2: Combat Dive......Teti NEVER attended S.E.R.E & he FAILED Combat Dive.
Teti Claims to have deployed to Lebanon....He was not there.

Teti Claims Delta Force: He was NEVER Delta Force

Teti Claims Special Operations for over 20 Years.(Same as Cody claims in the Discovery video introducing Teti as Cody's new partner, LOGIC dictates that Teti's RESUMES contained this information, the TRUTH Captain Hawke has been saying all along).....Teti was National Guard for 8 years, never deployed as SF Green Beret into Combat, got kicked out of most of his Units for Stealing, Violent Tendencies and Lying. Contracted for a year or two on and off and got fired from all Contracts for Stealing and Lying.

Joseph Teti's Paperwork minus his NGB-22 FROM THE GUARD AND DD-214's MARINES & ARMY

1 comment:

  1. Reposting for Captain Hawke....

    Mykel Hawke Says:
    i have posted as me on both these. teti no longer gets my silence on his lies. i am SF CPT MH and have been ever since i made CPT from LT, then it was SFLTMH ever since 2002 when i graduated the SFQC as an 18A and i was a danged 2LT. military folks will get it. and yes, i am not a doc, but i do have a masters in psych and my opinion is that he is a pathological liar and sociopath. note, i never slandered or libeled, just stated my opinion as me, and no teti, i never made 1 internet page against you, dummy. your assumptions that i did are wrong and paranoid. and i am not hiding behind fake profiles, to make up lies and threats like you do against me- but you just can't get your head around fighting fair and playing it straight can you? so you assume i am like you, and than makes an ASS of U and ME. figure it out bozo. your cool guy contract time only earns you the right to claim what you did, 2 yrs, on rotations, 3 yrs after 9/11. and nothing you can do will change that you bailed on us at 9/11 and your lies got 3 men dead. nothing. live with it. until you own it, we will stand apart and i will stand against you.
